

Jenin, Jenin

The Palestine Film Institute have made this documentary publicly available to everyone. It recounts the Israeli military invasion in April 2002 into the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, which lasted for almost two weeks. Twenty years on and unfortuately we have seen similar occurances in recent weeks.

The People’s Patriarch: Reflections with Patriarch Michel Sabbah

In 2021 PIEN co-hosted the Australian launch of the film “The People’s Patriarch: Reflections with Patriarch Michel Sabbah”.

The screening was followed by a discussion with His Eminence Patriarch (Emeritus) Michel Sabbah and the film’s producer Lily Habash. The event was moderated by Ursula Stephens, former Senator and current CEO of Catholic Social Services Australia.

This event was co-hosted by: Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center; Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network; Australia Palestine Advocacy Network


“Budrus is an award-winning feature documentary film about Palestinian community organizer, Ayed Morrar, who unites Palestinian political factions and invites Israeli supporters to join an unarmed movement to save his village of Budrus from destruction by Israel’s Separation Barrier.” 

short videos

The Strangers

The Strangers is a short 10 minute documentary showing Religious Jewish Settlers incursions at night into a small Palestinian village which has significant ancient holy burial sites. The film describes the impact this has on the local Palestinian population, especially the children.

The camera is my weapon

“For the past decade, Palestinians in the occupied West Bank village of Nabi Saleh have held weekly demonstrations in protest of Israel’s encroachment on their land. Bilal Tamimi, a Palestinian from the village, has made a point to document Israel’s attacks on the village through his camera.”

Machsom: mornings at Checkpoint 300

Short clip by Peter Morgan of the Checkpoint 300 situated between Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Watch to gain an understanding and feel for how Israel controls Palestinians’ movements. Palestinians must endure this day in day out! 

Talks: Webinars, Podcasts, Interviews

19th Joint Memorial Day Ceremony

An incredibly moving and emotional Joint Memorial Day Ceremony was held mid May 2024 in the Holy Land and broadcast throughout the world at different venues. This ceremony is conducted each year by two mixed Israeli/Palestinian organisations, Combatants for Peace and The Parents Circle. It was a service that lamented, had songs and poems and held on to hope for a just future, amidst the current torment and trauma. Well worth watching.

Children in Israeli military detention webinar

PIEN co-hosted this webinar featuring Salwa Duaibis, co-founder of Military Court Watch, an organisation that monitors the treatment of children in Israeli military detention. Salwa talked abou the mechanics of occupation, particularly focusing on the impacts on children.

Christian Zionism: Theological and Political Implications webinar

PIEN co-hosted this Christian Zionism webinar, alongside other Palestine solidarity organizations in the Asia Pacific region. Excellent presentations given by two prominent theologians from Palestine and Bolivia.

Munther Isaac a Palestinian Christian pastor and theologian spoke on “Understanding Christian Zionism’s, beliefs and history. How they interpret the Bible and why Palestinian Christians view them as an obstacle to peace”.
Sara Améstegui Deik, a PhD candidate in Theology at the University of Aberdeen spoke on “The New Jerusalem: Towards a postcolonial critique on Christian Zionism”.

3CR Community Radio interview with Monica Keily part 1

Monica spent three months in the West Bank as an Ecumenical Accompanier. In this interview with Melbourne Community radio station 3CR, Monica goes into detail about what she witnessed first hand.

3CR Community Radio interview with Monica Keily part 2

Monica spent three months in the West Bank as an Ecumenical Accompanier. This is the second part to the radio iterview conducted by Melbourne Community radio station 3CR.