Christian Content


Echoes of Hope: A Palestinian Theology of Peacemaking Amidst Conflict

This thought provoking talk was given by Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho, a distinguished professor of Biblical Studies and Academic Dean at Nazareth Evangelical College, when he visited Melbourne recently in May 2024. Well worth watching.

The Promised Land - Biblical Narratives and Gaza Now: A Theological Reflection

This reflection has been produced by PIEN’s Vice President the Revd Dr Ray Williamson OAM.

The current Prime Minister has likened the Gazans to Amalek; the finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, has cited Joshua as one to be emulated; and even for the first Israeli Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, Joshua was an inspiration and model.  Professor Rachel Havrelock writes that “modern Israeli militarism ‘resonates’ with Joshua and [Joshua] informs ‘the lexicon of Jewish nationalism’.  For the religious settlers of the West Bank, in particular, the book of Joshua is an ‘instruction manual’”.

What does the biblical ‘then’ really have to do with our ‘now’?  How are we to understand it? 

Focus: Palestine - a new resource focusing on justice for Palestinians

This resource has been produced by the World Communion of Reformed Churches and is an extensive study guide that provides Churches and Christians the opportunity to delve deeply into the theological, historical, and political contexts facing Palestinians.  

“Hear the Palestinian address to the church. Listen to their stories and struggles; see their hope and resilience. And then, ‘Go and Tell,’ and boldly act. It is our hope that this handbook will encourage you in that truth-telling. May it be a pilgrimage of the heart, but even more, a journey into solidarity and justice.” —
co-authors Katherine Cunningham and Noushin Darya Framke
Focus: Palestine is available as a free download 

Seven Biblical Answers to Popular Zionist Assumptions

Dr. Stephen Sizer has spent decades writing and reflecting on Christian Zionism – the phrase coined for Christians who view the modern state of Israel as the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, and which therefore provide Israel with generous and unconditional moral, political and financial support. In this document ‘Seven Biblical Answers to Popular Zionist Assumptions’, he offers an alternative understanding to particular biblical texts that many Christians believe justifies what Israel is doing.

Kairos Document - A moment of truth A word of faith, hope and love from the heart of Palestinian suffering


“We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God’s divine providence for all the inhabitants of this land. Inspired by the mystery of God’s love for all, the mystery of God’s divine presence in the history of all peoples and, in a particular way, in the history of our country, we proclaim our word based on our Christian faith and our sense of Palestinian belonging – a word of faith, hope and love.”

worship MATERIAL

Lenten guide for 2023 with reflections on Palestine / Israel

PIEN produced this Lenten guide for 2023 (but could be used at any time) with reflections on Palestine / Israel.

Take a walk in the footsteps of an Ecumenical Accompanier (EA). Andrew Telfer (who is also on the PIEN committee), spent time as an EA with the EAPPI program. Having recently returned from three months living in the West Bank, Andrew has first-hand stories to share, of the context to what is currently unfolding in the Holy Land. We have also drawn upon the excellent resources Sabeel Palestine produce, to add some personal elements that you can apply each week. Please engage with the information they produce through Kumi Now and respond to their suggested actions, along with prayers we have sourced from the Sabeel Wave of Prayer.

Kairos Palestine Alerts

During Holy Week and Advent each year, Kairos Palestine produce the Easter Alert and the Christmas Alert. These resources are full of reflections, prayers, background information and actions that you can draw upon. 

Hosanna in the Highest

PIEN co-hosted with Sabeel Palestine, this special Ecumenical Service on the eve of Holy week in April 2021, which enabled folk from different parts of the world to worship together. Contributors from both Palestine and Australia led prayers, songs and reflections. It was a beautiful service that is worth reliving.

church statements

A Dossier on Israeli Apartheid A Pressing Call to Churches Around the World

Kairos Palestine and Global Kairos for Justice have prepared “A Dossier on Israeli Apartheid A Pressing Call to Churches Around the World”. This thorough piece of research covers: the definition of Apartheid (universal definition with contextualized reality); myriad reports and statements documenting Israel’s complicity; a Biblical/Theological Reflection on apartheid; what does the Lord require of the Global Church in relation to apartheid; and finally a Palestinian Plea: “Are you able to help us get our freedom back?”
Take a look at this 46 page documentthat will assist you in engaging on this topic with your friends, families and church communities.

What We Saw, What We Heard, What We are Compelled to Do - A Testimony of Witness

In March 2023 Pax Christi International have issued this powerful  ‘A Testimony of Witness’two page report, following a solidarity visit to Palestine by a group of Pax Christi members. You can’t visit Palestine and not be incredibly impacted by what you see. This document clearly shows this. 

Seeking Justice and Peace for All in the Middle East

The World Council of Churches 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany in 2022 concluded with the WCC issuing this statement “Seeking Justice and Peace for All in the Middle East”.

The Statement from the WCC 11th Assembly expressed concerns which included:

  1. The expanding Israeli settlements are illegal under international law and undermine any practical prospect of a two-state solution.
  2. There has been more suffering for Palestinian communities, with more encroachment on and seizure of Palestinian lands and properties.
  3. Increased systematic harassment and attacks by settlers, along with mounting intimidation, violations and limitation of access to places of worship.
  4. The right of the Palestinians for self-determination – and that the Israeli occupation must end.