
We have produced a postcard designed for you to send to your Federal Member of Parliament. This is the image on the front of the card with text urging the Australian government to support real peace for Palestine and Israel. Over 130 countries have recognised Palestine as a State, yet Australia is still yet to do so. We are concerned that this inaction is resulting in increased repression and hardship for all Palestinians, including our Christian brothers and sisters there. The Palestinian church has maintained the birthplace of Christianity, for 2,000 years yet the church there is suffering under occupation. If you would like a postcard to send to you MP, please contact us.

During the third week of September each year the World Council of Churches holds the World Week for Peace in Palestine & Israel (WWPPI), which includes the UN International Day for Peace. In 2023 the dates are 16-23 September. The theme for 2023 is ‘No place to lay my head‘. WWPPI is an invitation for people of faith around the world to participate in prayer, educational events, advocacy and action in support of an end to the occupation of Palestine so that Palestinians and Israelis can finally live in peace. Let us know if you would like a speaker to attend a WWPI event you organise. Links to WWPPI resources are currently not available, but we will update this page when they are.

A number of reputable organisations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Israeli human rights organisation B’Tselem, have issued comprehensive reports stating that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid. To raise awareness of this state of apartheid, each year , Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is held. The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions committee, who organise IAW, run this campaign around a particular theme and provide content for social media posts and other educational material that can be shared as well as links to events held across the globe.