Just Peace!
‘Shuhada St, al-Khalil (Hebron), where Israelis are free to roam but Palestinians are not allowed to enter!’



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‘Annual Impact Report 2024 | A Year of Struggle for Survival and Hope‘
Physicians for Human Rights have published this report:
“Healthcare is a cornerstone of social solidarity, essential to a society’s survival and flourishing. It is a system in which community members care for one another’s needs, demonstrating mutual responsibility and accountability. From birth to death, healthcare is how we nurture, save, and preserve each other’s lives. An attack on healthcare, therefore, is an attack on much more than infrastructure, resources, and personnel—it is an assault on the very fabric of society.”
‘Held without charge with layan nasir and tala nasir’
Interview webinar by Amos Trust.
“Layan Nasir [a Palestinian Christian] was taken away at gunpoint from her parent’s home in the West Bank town of Birzeit after 15 soldiers burst into her house to arrest her.
She was held without charge on administrative detention in Damon women’s prison until her release shortly before Christmas. Since 7th October 2023, Israel has arrested or detained over 14,000 Palestinians from Jerusalem and the West Bank and countless more from Gaza.”
‘munther isaac warns the church against denying genocide in gaza’
Sojourners magazine interviewed Rev Dr Munther Isaac, a Bethlehem pastor and theologian.
“Right now, in Palestine, we have given up on the idea that the church would side or help us stop this genocide. But the real question that must be addressed is, “How will the church survive this?” How will the church survive from the fact that, 14 months after a genocide has started, they have not yet called it a genocide? And calling it a genocide is not just about the terminology. It’s about calling for those committing it to be held accountable and to be prosecuted. What more evidence do they need?”